Angular HTTP Interceptors: Modifying Request Headers

by Thomas Tran

In newer versions of Angular, HTTPInterceptor is an interface which intercepts and handles an HttpRequest or HTTPResponse, which allows you to transform the outgoing request or incoming response. This may be useful when you want to inject a header into your HTTPRequest that contains your authorization token or any other important changes to the request that is relevant to your business logic.

Some use cases for HTTP Interceptor may be:

  1. Catch HTTP responses to do some custom formatting (i.e. convert CSV to JSON) before handing the data over to your service/component
  2. Logging all HTTP requests/responses
  3. Like I mentioned above, you can use an interceptor to add a custom header

Let’s break it down and concretely see how you can do this. First, you’ll need to import HTTP_INTERCEPTOR in your app.module.ts file and then add it in the providers array:

  bootstrap: \[AppComponent\],  
  imports: \[ ... \],  
  providers: \[{  
    provide: HTTP\_INTERCEPTORS,  
    useClass: HttpTokenInterceptor,  
    multi: true  

The HttpTokenInterceptor, which implements the HttpInterceptor interface, will handle all logic relevant to the interceptor. It looks like this:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';  
import { HttpRequest, HttpHandler, HttpEvent, HttpInterceptor } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

export class TokenInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor { 

constructor() {} 

intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {  
    request = request.clone({  
      setHeaders: {  
        Authorization: `Bearer ${ a_jwt_token }`  
    return next.handle(request);  

The intercept method will perform the necessary changes to the request. In our example, the intercept method clones the request and assigns a new Authorization header which contains a JWT token that will allow us to authenticate into an API. This will make it so that we don’t have to manually add an Authorization header every API request.

And that’s all you have to do to modify a HTTP request! Easy, huh?